Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kinda Off-topic

So I just watched Game 5. What a game. Three OTs later, I've got a marketing exam in the morning and I haven't finished studying yet. I'm on enough Mountain Dew to cause major issues in a normal human and I'm verging on drunk, if you can get that way off MD.
But the game was great, except for that whole Penguins winning thing. Its been a long time since I watched a non-Caps game that intense. If you squinted, you could almost believe the cardiac Caps were on the ice, red jerseyed Wings and all. Reffing was pretty awful, except for the last, game-ending call, which the refs couldn't not call. But now I'm studying and I'm bordering on a diagnosis of ADHD and I realized I hate Febreze and love Nickelback. Not something I knew. Huh, well, enjoy your night!